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Vision & Values

One Great School – Four Strengths Based Learning Programs

Home 9 About our school 9 Vision & Values


We will be exemplary in our passion for learning with high expectations for achievement and a dedication to providing for diversity of talent and interest.

We strive to see students leave Rowville Secondary College confident, happy and ready for success in a changing world.

Nurturing strengths to grow curious and powerful learners.

RSC Mission Statement.


RESPECT: Act as you would like to be treated

RESPONSIBILITY: Brave enough to play your part

EXCELLENCE: Nothing but your best

COMMUNITY: We’re all in this together

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Matrix


The BPA is an individual dashboard for each student that gives them high quality feedback on 6 learning behaviours that we believe are critical for their success at school. Click button below to find out more information on our BPA.

    Commitment to Australian Democratic Values

    The programs and teaching at Rowville Secondary College support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy, including a commitment to:

    • elected government
    • the rule of law
    • equal rights for all before the law
    • freedom of religion
    • freedom of speech and association
    • the values of openness and tolerance.

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