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Home 9 Enrolment

enrol in one of our four programs

Our school offers four strengths based learning programs your child can enrol in.

    General Excellence

    Sports Academy

    Institute of THE Arts

    Maths & Science Academy

    Program application process

    Please visit our buttons below for further information on our application process for each program. All four programs require our school to comply with The Department of Education Placement Policy.

    Our school zone

    Our school zone is available onÌýÌýwhich hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones. Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

    The Department provides guidance through theÌýPlacement PolicyÌýto ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website underÌý.

    If you have a question about school zones call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or emailÌývsba@edumail.vic.gov.au.

    Year 6 to Year 7 Enrolment

    1. Complete the Department of Education Transition application form provided by your Government Primary school.
    2. Please submit an RSC Expression of Interest Form.

    Transitioning: Independent Primary School

    If transitioning from an Independent Primary School you will need to complete a Department of Education form. This form will be available at the start of Term 2. The form must be returned directly to Rowville Secondary College via email.


    All four programs at Rowville Secondary College require you to complete the Department of Education Primary Schools transition application form. We request that you submit this application form to your Primary school by the deadline given. We request that section 4 of the application form be completed with Rowville Secondary College as your first choice.

    A simple guide: how to enrol your Year 6 child in a secondary school

    The Department of Education provides government schools with a timeline for the Transition to Year 7 enrolment process.

    1. When your child is in Year 6, your Primary School will issue the Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information Pack which will have an application form enclosed, late in Term 1 or at the start of Term 2 of the Grade 6 year.
    2. Parents must complete this form, and then return it to your Primary School, by the due date.
    3. Government Primary Schools will then forward all applications to the relevant Secondary School in accordance with the Department of Education guidelines.
    4. If transitioning from an Independent Primary School and your school does not provide the Department of Education Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Placement Information pack 2025-2026 you can access thisÌý. Please complete the Application for Year 7 Placement 2026 form and return it directly to Rowville Secondary College for the attention of the Enrolment Officer either by post or email us by Friday 9 May 2025.
    5. Tuesday 1 July families will receive notification from their Primary School advising what Secondary School your child has been offered a place in the following year i.e., your letter will only confirm Rowville Secondary College.
    6. Wednesday 2 July our school will email a welcome letter with relevant information for enrolling into the school for 2026.
    7. Please be aware that if unsuccessful in your program application and we have received your Department of Education Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Application form, we will offer a place within our General Excellence Program, Paratea Drive location, Western Campus. Please be aware that our programs are campus specific. We do offer an internal shuttle bus to take student to the west campus in the morning and after school should families reside closest to the Eastern Campus, Humphreys Way location. Through the Department of Education placement policy you are applying to the school and not the specific program.

    Year 8-12 enrolment

    Families wishing to apply for enrolments into Years 8-12, or during a school year at all levels, are invited to complete an RSC Expression of Interest Form.

    For further information on enrolling your child at Rowville Secondary College please call on 9755 4555.